Care about your air.
i3CAIR is an indoor air quality sensor that improves wellbeing, health & safety in classroom environments through ambient monitoring and data analytics.
Professional 4K conferencing camera.
The i3CAMERA Pro instantly brings collaboration and communication abilities to your interactive display, taking online or hybrid lessons to the next level.
1080P Full HD camera.
A full HD wide-angle camera that can easily capture the entire classroom, and delivers great sound and image quality.
Computer for the i3TOUCH.
The i3COMPUTER is a compact mini-computer that is available with different processors to accommodate different budgets and work styles. It also comes in an OPS format for seamless integration with our touchscreen solutions.
No more boring lessons.
With our groundbreaking solution, we have effectively tackled your problem of boring lessons. iMO-LEARN can be used in an analog or digital way to stimulate the brains of your children and have a positive impact on their learning process. Their energy levels and attention spans are kept longer and the barrier of boring lessons are broken.
Compass, Ruler, Protractor triangle.
Enjoy the ease of use of a traditional, physical measuring tool, while i3LEARNHUB digitally optimizes your drawings.
Your New Active Learning Companion.
Introducing Fable, in collaboration with Shape Robotics: modular robots transforming STE(A)M education. Seamlessly compatible with i3TOUCH displays, Fable offers an intuitive programming experience, enhances learner confidence, and promotes active engagement through a design centered on simplicity and user interaction.
Mounts for all our screens.
Experience the ultimate mobility and adaptability for your interactive displays. Whether you're in the boardroom, classroom or on the move, these mounting solutions with customizable height adjustment and sleek design make using an i3TOUCH screen seamless and accessible.